Tel: 07760 830525
The Willow Tree Centre, St Nicholas Family Centre, Chargrove, Yate BS37 4LG

Contact Us
Our location
The Willow Tree Centre
St Nicholas Family Centre
Yate BS37 4LG
You can find the Centre on the corner of the Family Centre building, next to the car park.
We have our own entrance and you will know you're in the right place when you see our logo in the window.
At the moment the wait for a first appointment for all babyloss clients is around ten weeks. We have found that when we eventually contact people who have experienced miscarriage to offer them an appointment they say that they needed help earlier and many have found other forms of support. While we do offer support for those who have experienced a miscarriage we recommend that you contact the Miscarriage Association and find out about their support services.
The Miscarriage Association offers
a live chat Mon to Fri 10am to 3pm
helpline Mon to Fri 9am to 4pm
online forums and closed facebook groups
email helpline
support groups
We try to respond to phone messages left on the phone and emails within 48 hours. We respect your right to confidentiality and when we return your call, we will not leave a message on your answer-phone unless you tell us it is safe to do so.
Our email is password protected and we adhere to data protection regulations.
​You can send us a private message via facebook but please be aware that social media is not always the best way to get in touch.
Please read our Privacy Policy (link at bottom of page) for further information.